English Language Learners (ELL)
Structured English Immersion
Program Description
English Learners will have equal access to the core curriculum using State/District adopted content standards and differentiated instructional techniques. English Language Development (ELD) is strongly emphasized using district-adopted core curriculum. English Learners obtain academic access to the core content subject areas through Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE).
Secondary 6-12
English Language Development (ELD) services are provided by the authorized teacher as a class in the student's daily schedule during ELD 1, ELD 2, or ELD 3.
English Language Mainstream
Program Description
English Learners will have equal access to the core curriculum using State/District adopted content standards. English Language Development (ELD) is strongly emphasized using district-adopted core curriculum materials. English Learners obtain academic access to the core content subject areas through Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE). Primary language support may be included in order to meet the student's needs.
Secondary 6-12
At the secondary level English Language Development is designated as Special Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE). This consists of modified techniques and strategies that make core content comprehensible to English Learners.