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Marine Corps JROTC

Dear Cadets and Parents,

Welcome to the Vista Del Lago High School Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Program in Moreno Valley, Ca.  Each year since our establishment in 2018, we continue to build on our proud tradition of excellence for the program.  We are determined to make a difference in our Cadets, our school, and our community.  We will strive to develop courageous, well-defined character-driven young adults who possess the attributes of personal responsibility and accountability in order to become model citizens in service to this great nation, the United States.  Our conduct, dedication to academic excellence, and sincere belief in the Marine Corps Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment will be our guiding foundation in developing tomorrow’s future leaders!  We will continue to build on this proud tradition of excellence, and we look forward to a great year.

Curriculum Subject
  • Core Values
  • Leadership Traits
  • Leadership Principles
  • Team-building & Teamwork
  • Creativity and problem solving
  • Personal leadership and discipline
  • Moral Character
  • Government
  • Parades & Ceremonies
  • Hosting, Escorting at Special Events
  • Origin, advantages, and responsibility of citizenship
Personal Growth and Responsibility
  • Job Interviews and applications
  • Resume preparation
  • Basic financial planning
  • Communication skills
  • Life skills
  • Computer Training

Public Service

  • Community Service
  • Volunteer

General Military Subjects

  • Wearing of the uniform
  • Grooming Standards
  • History, customs, & courtesies
  • Roles and missions of the Marine Corps.
  • Drill & Ceremonies


Our mission is to develop courageous, character driven young adults who possess the attributes of personal responsibility and accountability in order to become model citizens in service to the United States.

Benefits of MCJROTC Program

Since its inception in 1916, the JROTC program has been viewed as a strong program that provides youth with much needed skills in citizenship and leadership. Additionally, numerous studies have shown that students who participate in JROTC programs have better attendance, grades, and graduation rates relative to students who were in general academic programs. Principals and school administrators also maintain positive attitudes toward JROTC because these programs.
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Core Values

Our cadets are guided by the Marine Corps Leadership Traits and Principles and grounded in our Marine Corps Core Values.  They are committed to excellence and strive to build  good relationships at home, in school, and within the community. They are young Americans committed to their schoolwork and their cadet responsibilities.  Most importantly our cadets strive to lead themselves so that they may lead others in the future. Honor Courage Commitment
• Motivate students to learn.
• Foster a disciplined and constructive learning environment.
• Instill essential skills like time organization, responsibility, goal setting, and teamwork.
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United States Marine Corps JROTC

The very mention of the word Marine evokes an image of a young man or woman who has an ingrained sense of service, honor, courage, and commitment.  MCJROTC Cadets are trained and educated in the importance of these guiding principles that have been the bedrock of the Marine Corps since 1775.  There is no military service commitment and participation in the MCJROTC program meets the California State University A G Requirements for (G):College Prep Elective.  Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful)
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